Lieutenant Colonel Arnaul Beltrame

epa06625963 A undated handout picture taken in Carcassonne in 2018 made available by the French Gendarmerie Nationale on 24 March 2018, shows Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame killed after swapping himself in exchange of an hostage during a terrorist attack in Trebes, southern France, on 23 March 2018. Arnaud Beltrame took the place of a female hostage at the Super U store in the town of Trebes, near the Pyrenees mountains. Four victims have been confirmed killed and at least 15 others injured in the attack. The attacker, named as 26-year-old Redouane Lakdim, said he was fighting on behalf of the Islamic State group. EPA/HANDOUT GENDARMERIE NATIONALE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
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